Sunday, June 30, 2013

Honey harvesting

After the last hive check, we thought it was time to harvest the honey.  So I spent a warm sunny afternoon removing the honey supers with the assistance of some Bee Quick and my shopvac set to blower mode.  It's amazing how well that Bee Quick works; gets all but a couple stragglers out of the supers and then I blow the rest out with my shopvac.

Based on the weight of the supers, I was guessing we'd have our best harvest yet.  That evening I went through the first four supers and extracted only the frames that were 90% capped.  We only have a cheap 2-frame hand-crank plastic extractor, so it takes a while because I have to keep flipping the frames to prevent frames from breaking.  Even so I always end up breaking a couple frames which just increases my resolve to start cross-wiring the foundation.  I returned those four supers to the hives the next day.  Then I extracted the honey from the next four supers the next evening and returned those supers the next night (including a couple replacement foundation frames).  In all we got over 76lbs of honey, which equates to around 25 quart jars.  Woohoo!  We're in the honey!  We're in the honey!

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