Checked the hives today and things are going great in B and C. Hive A has a laying worker. This I know because I only found drone cells and they were very spotty. Instead of trying to introduce a new queen, I'm trying to deal with it using the method described by Michael Bush where I will add a frame or two of open brood and eggs every week for three or four weeks and let the hive work things out by raising a new queen. Based on this, I took I swapped empty frames from A with frames of eggs and brood from B and C. I'll continue doing this for a couple weeks and check on the progress.
Hive D is still really honey bound in the upper deep. It does have some good looking eggs, larvae and capped cells, but not as much as I was hoping. The laying pattern looks good, so I'll just wait for now and give them some time. I did remove one fully capped honey frame from the top deep and replace it with foundation just to give them some more space.
When checking the hives, I had to lift off all the supers and they were really heavy. It's only been two weeks since we harvested, so I'm assembling another super or two with some woodenware parts I have in the basement. I'll put those on when I'm done and adjust the new suuper foundation frames amongst the hives as needed.
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